Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm Grateful!!

I just want to say a little bit about gratitude. Since we moved up here to Paradise, it's been a huge struggle for us financially. Bo was out of work for 3 months and we weren't in a good situation financially to begin with--thus, the living with his grandma thing. Anyway, even though it's been a struggle, it's also been a huge learning experience for us. We've learned even more how much God just takes care of us and blesses us with what we need when we need it--even when we have no idea how it will possibly come, it comes. We have been blessed in so many ways, big and small and I'm just feeling really grateful right now. Life is good. :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Our First Official Visitors

Ok, I've decided to try to blog more often. Last weekend, we had our first official visitors come stay with us here in Paradise--Jeff, Amy and Porter Jensen. Yes, although we've had a plethora of visitors here at Bo's grandma's house, these were the first visitors that actually came to see us. :) Even though we hadn't seen each other in person for a long time, there's something about seeing old friends that is so comfortable and feels like you were never apart. We spent the day riding Bo's uncle's quads around our property, picnicing at the park, taking a walk to see a not so breath taking view, and going out to eat way too much at a Mexican restaurant that spells it's name wrong, and finally to Foster's Freeze. By the time they left and we got back home, I pretty much went into a food coma for the rest of the night. I was in and out of consciousness until about 11pm when I finally gave it up and went to bed.