Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ahh, the potty

Well, after much time spent sitting on the potty--and I'm talking MUCH time, we finally have success!
A couple of months ago, we tried to potty train her and just ended up with a lot of time sitting on the potty without a lot of pee or poop happening.
Here's daddy resting on the fan during one of the "potty sessions". We kind of gave it up for a while and then a few weeks ago we got her "big girl panties". She had 9 accidents the first day, 5 on the second, and it just got better from there. She's now going pee pee in the potty every day and accidents are rare!
A few days ago, she finally went poopie in the potty. We were so excited! We wiped and flushed and then she said she had more. So she sat down and went some more--every few minutes for the next half hour!! She is truly daddy's girl in this area. Anyway, she loves trying to poop in the potty now and our current problem is getting her to get off the potty when she is determined to poop, but nothing has happened for 20 minutes! Ahh, the joys of parenthood. :)

Happy Halloween!

This is how I found Melia in our room right before I was about to start getting her ready to go Trunk or Treating for Halloween. She had already taken matters into her own hands. She found what she calls her "Mermaid hair" and "daddy's makeup" and went to town. This Halloween is the first one where she started to understand what was going on, so it was a lot of fun to get her dressed up and take her out. She dressed up like Sleeping Beauty and Bo and I used our fallback costumes that we use just about every year. Except we actually only had parts of them to use this year. I don't know what happened to my funky 70's outfit. Lost in the move?
Overall, fun Halloween. We did have a "bad parent" moment though. After she went to bed, (and had already eaten some of her candy) Bo and I pretty much ate the rest of her candy. I know, I know it's terrible--but, hey, we saved her from eating a bunch of junk. Better us than her, right? :) She never missed it anyway!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Ok, so I finally got a weekend away ALL BY MYSELF! It only took me--well, how old is Melia now? 2 1/2? My mom and I have kind of a tradition where we go to this fundraiser event for the Ettie Lee Boys home every 6 months. It's at the Disneyland Hotel and they have this huge boutique so we shop for a couple of hours and then have lunch at the banquet hall in the hotel. Then they have entertainment after lunch. It's a fun girls day. So anyway, I thought I wouldn't be able to go this time because we're in Northern California now, but my mom flew me down for the weekend so I could go. Thanks mom! :) Let me tell you, it was soooo nice to be able to go through the whole trip without any responsibility and without anyone to take care of except for me. :) I actually got to read, get up when I wanted, do what I wanted whenever I wanted. I forgot what that was like! I did miss Melia and Bo and I was happy to see them when I got home, but it was a really, really nice break. Plus, I got to see my family and friends which made it even better. :)