Friday, July 10, 2009

Naiya's Blessing

Naiya's blessing was really special. Bo did a wonderful job and the spirit was really strong. I cried (of course) as I heard all of the great blessings that will come to Naiya throughout her life. I feel so blessed to have two beautiful girls--daughters of our Heavenly Father that He has entrusted us with to care for and guide through this life. I'm so grateful to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life and to be surrounded by so many wonderful people who care about us. Thank you to all of our family and friends for being so great!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July

Bo's family came up to stay with us for the 4th of July weekend because we were having Naiya blessed. We started the 4th of July early with a 5k. Bo, Shane, Azure and Dad ran/walked it and had a good time. I wanted to do it too, but it was right when Naiya's first feeding of the day starts. :( I'm proud of Bo for doing it though considering we haven't been the least bit active lately. :)

After the race, we all met down at the water hole to swim. Yes, we now swim in things called "the water hole". Ahh, small town life.

We topped off the day by eating pizza and getting good old Thrifty ice cream. What could be more American than that?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hair We Are

After a year of being here, I finally went to get my hair highlighted and cut so I could feel normal again. Right in the middle of the process as I look like this in the above picture, Melia comes up and says, "Mommy you look so pretty. Are you done?" :)

June? July?! What?

Where does the time go? I don't know. It's now been a whole month since I've updated this and a lot has been going on, so here's a little bit. First of all, our friends, Chris, Vicky and Lenore came up for a visit for the last time before they move back to So. Cal. We had a good time like always when we see them. Melia and Lenore were so cute playing and dancing together.

I'm not exactly sure why, but I would have to say that Chris is definitely Melia's favorite out of all of our friends. She's always excited to see him no matter how much time has passed since we've seen him and she likes to spend most of her time talking to him, sitting with him, holding his hand when we're walking, etc. She even noticed when I reframed our group wedding picture and Chris got covered up because he was up in a corner. When I showed her the picture in the new frame, I pointed out Grandpa and Grandma and other relatives and Melia's response was, "But where's Chris?" I have since found a bigger mat for the frame so that Chris shows again. :)

So Bo and I decided that we were tired of not doing anything up here besides taking care of the kids and going out to eat occasionally for "fun". So we started looking into other stuff to do. One of the things we found was a hike down to a river that was pretty fun. We had a good time and it was so great to just get out into nature again and enjoy.

That's my little smiley!

Another thing we found was the "water hole". It's this place where they dammed up part of a river and paved the bottom, so now it's like a huge swimming pool. We had fun swimming and Melia is getting more and more comfortable in the water, which is good except for when I'm not paying attention. :) So the other day, we went swimming with my friend and her daughter at the pool in the gym here. Melia and my friend's daughter were playing on the stairs and my friend and I were chatting just a couple of feet away in the water. Earlier, Melia had been jumping to me in the water and I guess she decided that she was going to do it again. The only problem was that I didn't realize she was jumping to me. So I look over and see this green thing at the bottom of the pool next to my leg. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that this green thing was Melia's bathing suit and that Melia was under the water. I grabbed her and picked her up trying to stay cool so she wouldn't freak out about it cause she's not used to going under the water--especially not by herself with no one holding her. Luckily, she was fine and I was able to convince her that she was such a big girl jumping all by herself. Child protective services hasn't showed up yet, so I think I'm good.