Monday, December 22, 2008

Tis the Season

So we went to the Christmas party at church and I had told Melia that Santa would be there. At first she said she wanted to dance with him, but I told her that probably wouldn't happen. She decided sitting in his lap would be good enough. She was so excited and kept talking about it all the way there. At the end of the program, Santa comes out and before they have even announced that the kids can come up on stage to see him, Melia has taken off running and makes it up there into his lap before the announcement is done! She was so cute. She talked about seeing Santa and the little bag of goodies he gave her for days afterward.
It snowed for the first time here this winter. It started while we were at church and Bo was so excited that he ran and got Melia out of the nursery to go see it. When we got home, he gave her a big snow ball to suck on.
She loved it so much that she decided to have it for dinner...and that's all she ate. About an hour later, she was at the refrigerator asking for food to eat. First lesson with snow--fun to eat, but not as satisfying as one would hope.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

Ok, so I've been tagged and I'm supposed to reveal 6 random facts about myself. Here it goes--

6 Random Facts:

1. I am a dancing fool. I have always loved dancing and will do it any chance I get--although now a days it seems like most of my dancing is done at home with Melia. Bo and I did get to dance at his work Christmas party this weekend though (side note: Dancing while pregnant makes you realize your muscles really are in different places now than they usually are). Anyway, not only do I love dancing myself, I will watch anything that has dancing in it--and I mean anything. I don't care how stupid the story line may be or how poor the acting is, if it has good dancing, I'm watching it. One of my favorite shows on TV: So You Think You Can Dance.

2. I am an animal lover. Ever since I was little, I've always felt a special connection with animals and had a real desire and passion for their well being. I belong to several animal welfare groups and have always been known as the girl who rescues strays off the street. Right now, my part time job is doing dog training and helping people have better relationships with their dogs. I love it and get a real high after each session--helping dogs and people have better more peaceful lives--what could be better?

3. No matter where I live or how long I'm there, I will always have a little ghetto soul in me. All my peeps from Pico know what I'm talking about. ;)

4. Over the past couple of years, I've really gotten into holistic health and I feel like it opened up a whole new world for me. I feel better than I've ever felt in my life. I am not, however, extreme. I can still finish off a half gallon of ice cream every once in a while.

5. I love 24! Bo and I own all 6 seasons and have watched each one 2 or 3 times. We loved lending them out to our friends and family and getting people hooked!

6. Being a mom has changed me in so many ways for the better. I am definitely a better person because of Melia. Man, I'm gonna be awesome by the time we're done having kids! :)

And there it is. Now I'm supposed to tag 6 people--ummm....Vicky, Noelle, Amy, Olivia, Heidi and Palmyra.

The Rules:

1. Link this post to the person who tagged you: Piper
2. Post The Rules on your blog. (see!)
3. List 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me! :)

35 years ago today, I was born into this world and started my journey on earth. When I was a teenager, I always thought that once I was in my 30's, I'd feel middle aged. That's really funny to me now that I'm here because I don't feel any different than when I was in my twenties as far as the aging part goes. But there are some definite differences...
I feel more comfortable and at ease with myself than I ever have. I feel more joy and peace in my life than ever before--which is interesting because, financially speaking, we have less than we've ever had before. We are really down to the bare minimum, but I feel richer than ever. I appreciate things more. I see God's hand in our lives each day carefully taking care of our every need and blessing us in very personal and specific ways. You can't tell me that God doesn't know each one of us and know exactly what we need. And as far as family goes...
I can't even express how much joy Melia brings to my life. She is the most amazing gift I have ever been given. She makes me laugh every day. I am truly, truly enjoying being her mommy. And now we have another one on the way!! :) Double the joy!! Not to mention that I have a truly wonderful husband who knows the inside, the outside, the upside down of me and loves me because of, in spite of, and through it all. What more could I ask for?
I could go on and on about how grateful I'm feeling right now...Let's just say, life is good. Really good. :) Happy Birthday to me!