"Hey Mom, do you know what I'm thankful for? The earth, Aria, and you."
Mom: "Guess what! We got our couch cleaned!" Melia: "Well, that's not exciting. Exciting is when you get ice cream or cookies."
(While saying a prayer) "And please help us to grow really old. I didn't mean old to die, I mean tall."
"Does fast Sunday go faster than the other Sundays?"
(While Naiya was running around naked before a bath) Melia: "Mom, Naiya's running around naked!" Mom: "It's ok, she's little." Melia: "Yeah, but does Jesus think it's ok?"
"But I just washed my hands. I don't need to take a bath."
(Pointing to her elbow) "I'm really strong too! Right here is my muscle."
Naiya: "Up scuze me?" (Excuse me) Melia: "Ha, ha! She talks so ridic-leous!"
(We were watching Stake Conference at church on the video screen and the sound went out) "Why is he talking so quiet?"
(Talking about the black and white pictures on the wall) Melia: "Mama, sometime I can help you paint those pictures on the wall." Mom: "Paint them?" Melia: "Yeah, cause they're just black and white and gray right now."
"Mama, if I ate this whole table, I would have a humongous...neck!"
(Talking about her kindergarten teacher) "When Mrs. Kellog asks for your homework, you have to give it to her cause she needs it. I don't know why, but she does."
(After watching a man on TV get mad and stomp on his hat) "Mama, why is he mad at his hat?"
"Boys are for fighting and fixing and girls are for watching movies."
Naiya's Words of Wisdom
(After I put on makeup one day, which doesn't happen frequently lately) Naiya: (In a surprised and puzzled tone) "Mommy! You pretty!"
(Mommy talking to Aria): "Hi little Mommy!" Naiya: "She's not mommy. She's a baby!"
(Naiya was brushing my hair and accidentally pulled it) Mommy: "Oww!" Naiya: "Don't freak out mom."
(When she saw Yoda while watching Star Wars) "There's yogurt!"
(After having an accident on the floor, I look over and Naiya is splashing her hands in the pee) Mommy: "Naiya! Don't touch the pee pee! That's yucky!" Naiya: "I jus washing my hands!"
(After seeing Naiya pick a huge booger) Mommy: "What did you do with that booger?" Naiya smiles and opens her mouth to show me the huge booger inside.
(Talking to mommy) "I yike (like) your boob."
(While I was changing her diaper) "Mommy, don't eat my poopy."
Mommy: "Hang on a second." Naiya: "Hey! I not a soca. You a soca!"
(After my mom picked up a shirt to look at it while we were shopping) "Grandma Sue, jus look with your eyes, not your hands."