Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me! :)

35 years ago today, I was born into this world and started my journey on earth. When I was a teenager, I always thought that once I was in my 30's, I'd feel middle aged. That's really funny to me now that I'm here because I don't feel any different than when I was in my twenties as far as the aging part goes. But there are some definite differences...
I feel more comfortable and at ease with myself than I ever have. I feel more joy and peace in my life than ever before--which is interesting because, financially speaking, we have less than we've ever had before. We are really down to the bare minimum, but I feel richer than ever. I appreciate things more. I see God's hand in our lives each day carefully taking care of our every need and blessing us in very personal and specific ways. You can't tell me that God doesn't know each one of us and know exactly what we need. And as far as family goes...
I can't even express how much joy Melia brings to my life. She is the most amazing gift I have ever been given. She makes me laugh every day. I am truly, truly enjoying being her mommy. And now we have another one on the way!! :) Double the joy!! Not to mention that I have a truly wonderful husband who knows the inside, the outside, the upside down of me and loves me because of, in spite of, and through it all. What more could I ask for?
I could go on and on about how grateful I'm feeling right now...Let's just say, life is good. Really good. :) Happy Birthday to me!


california smiths said...

Happy Birthday!

Azure said...

Yeah! I am glad you had a Happy Birthday Laura! Can't wait to see you. I am so glad my brothers choose such awesome women to marry.

Palmyra said...

Happy Birthay Laura!! You are such a good mommy.

Piper said...

What a great, amazing way to feel on your birthday. You truly made it a great one!!!

Olivia said...

Feliz Cumpleanos my Pico Rivera sister. And remember, the 30's are the new 20's. So really, you're only 25!