We have been totally blessed since we got here. We had about 10 guys from our new congregation at church show up and get all of our stuff unloaded from our truck in no time at all. Our Elder's Quorum president (the one in charge of the men's group at church) lives a few houses down our street and has been over multiple times to help with everything from moving boxes to fixing sprinklers. He has made sure we have been included in social stuff too and has had Bo over with the guys to play cards and video games and his wife took me out for a girls night with some friends too. They have totally helped us feel more at ease here and have shattered our stereotypical ideas of what it would be like to live with Utah mormons everywhere. :) Not that it would be bad, we had just pictured people being kind of sheltered with not a lot of outside life experience. We were totally wrong though. Everyone has been great and most of the people we've met here have actually moved here from other places. Our Relief Society president (the one in charge of the women's group at church) lives across the street from us and has stopped by several times to welcome us and see if we needed anything. They also brought us dinner on our first night here. Our home teacher (the one assigned to check in on our family each month to make sure we're doing ok) has already been over several times to mow our lawn for us. A little girl from down the street that is Melia's age brought over some apricots she had cut up herself, some cookies and a letter she made for Melia. So sweet. It's definitely kind of weird to have almost everyone within a 10 block radius be in your congregation at church, but it's kind of cool too. We have felt so welcomed and included immediately in everything. This is definitely the most convenient place we've ever lived. All we have to say is "We've been meaning to water our lawn, but we've been so busy lately." And later that evening there will be someone there watering our lawn practically. :)
Our ward (congregation) at church is surprisingly normal with a good mix of young families and older people. After visiting our friends' ward (Fawn and Dave) who had an ocean of babies and kids, Bo and I were scared that all of the wards in Utah would be like that. But we were pleasantly surprised.
It feels so great to be living in a real city again where there are a ton of things to do. We have a Walmart and a Super Target--not just a normal Target--a huge library, a kids' water park, a miniature golf place, parks, natural food stores and everything else you could ask for all within a few blocks of us. Best of all, there are sidewalks and lawns with grass! :)
Another cool thing is that we have lots of old friends from So Cal that live in Utah now. We already got together at the Saavedra's for a BBQ and the Votaw's came over and totally helped us unpack. Plus, Bo's sister Azure lives here and has come over with his mom, who drove up with my mom and stayed for a two week visit, to help with the kids. Also, Bo has cousins and an Aunt and Uncle who live here too. It was fun getting to know his Uncle Gary and Aunt Sherri and the kids better when we lived in Paradise and I'm looking forward to getting to know Uncle Craig and Aunt Kathie's side of the family better while we live here.
As far as our actual house goes, we are loving it! We have never lived in a place where we had enough space to put all of our things and here, we have more than enough. We have the most awesome walk in closet in our bedroom! I think that might be my favorite part of the house. That or the kitchen. After 2 years of cooking on a single burner, an old oven upstairs that burns hot in the back and cool in the front because the door doesn't shut all the way, and having to use the top of the washer and dryer for counter space, this is like heaven! I actually have counter space! Yay! The sunsets here are beautiful and we can actually see lake Utah from our house.
Melia's favorite part is definitely our backyard. She absolutely loves it and asks if she can go out and play in it every chance she gets. I have to say that I'm loving it too. It's so nice to be able to go outside without shoes on and have grass to sit on and smooth pavement to walk on! You may be thinking I sound way too happy about lawns and sidewalks, but when you've had it all your life and then you live without it for 2 years, you really appreciate it when you have it back. :)
A close second favorite thing for Melia and Naiya is their own bathtub. We only had a shower downstairs at Grandma Adeline's house, so the whole bathtub thing is new for the girls and they are loving it! They have so much fun in there and it's fun watching them too. :)
Overall, things are good with us. It's been A LOT of work trying to get unpacked and get things situated, so we've been pretty exhausted and kind of stressed, but I think that's just a part of moving. It will continue to get easier. :) Hi to everybody back in Paradise! :)