Friday, April 24, 2009

Giant Q-tips or Torture Devices?

So I said that everything was going well--and it is--except for one slight problem. My incision has decided that it doesn't want to close. So I've had 3 doctors appointments this week alone (I like to call them my torture sessions) where my doctor rips off the steri-strips, pours tons of hydrogen peroxide all over my incision and then proceeds to dig around in the incision with giant Q-tips trying to get out all of the blood clots that seem to be keeping the incision from closing. She also uses tweezers sometimes too for a change of pace. So this goes on for anywhere from a half hour to an hour each time and leaves me completely drained and in pain. As of today, I now have all of the staples removed and it is just steri-strips now. I have to go back tomorrow to see if they can just leave them on and let it close, or if they have to rip them all off and dig around again. Depending on what they find tomorrow, I may have an appointment on Sunday and then I definitely have one on Monday. Man, I've never had so many doctor's appointments in my life!


Piper said...

Laura, you are a trooper! That sounds outrageously painful- sorry you are having to go through all this!! Just keep your eyes on that new, sweet baby girl and remember what Lina always says- It shall come to pass (This too shall pass!)

Piper said...

Oh- an dbtw- I think they qualify as instruments of torture. just my vote...

Jeff and Amy said...

This may sound kind of weird, but after my sister had her second child last year her incision kept opening as well so her doctor tried something a little different - she told my sister to put honey on the wound. It totally worked!! So my sister would just have her husband put honey on it and cover it. Sounds MUCH better and more natural than digging around in there. Good luck and I hope it heals soon!!