Monday, March 9, 2009

Oh What Fun it is to Have Sick Kids

Ok, so it's kid singular for another month and a half, but still. So a few weeks ago, I was just thinking, "Wow, Melia hasn't been sick for a long time." I couldn't even remember the last time she got sick. The very day after I had that thought, she came down with a really heavy head cold and cough. Figures. Anyway, I spent the next week with the newly acquired full time job of trying to keep a little nose and face clean that seemed to have a never ending fountain of boogers coming out of it. And since she didn't feel good, the crankiness factor was increased. Very fun. Plus, this was the week that Bo was very busy with work and school and so I had no Daddy helping time for 3 or 4 days out of the week. I know this is nothing to those of you who do it by yourself all of the time, but let me just say that it really made me realize how much that hour of time that Bo spends with Melia after he gets home from work and before she goes to bed really helps me. Anyway, so that was the week before last. Last week, Melia got better but I started having really bad heartburn and acid reflux that kept me up for hours in the middle of the night every night of the week. So by yesterday, I was feeling pretty wiped out and guess what Melia wakes up with--yup, the same runny nose and cough that she had the week before last. What happened to my healthy, happy child? Needless to say, I had flashes of all of the upcoming fun we were going to have as I took on my second full time job of nose wiping again. So we've gotten through day 2 and I'm doing my best to enjoy my time with her between the nose blowing. :)


Piper said...

The last line is what we all need to remember. It isn't their fault they are sick! Good job, Mommy!

Azure said...

Oh, no fun! Get better quickly Melia. :) You must be worn out. Wish I could stop over and help out.