Monday, March 2, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

Ok, I admit it. I am addicted to watching the Bachelor. There, I said it. Tonight is the season finale and I can't wait to see who Jason picks and what happens when Deanna, who turned him down last season, comes to talk to him. Drama. I know it's totally stupid and a waste of time to watch it, but who cares. I haven't always been addicted like this. Most of the seasons, I haven't even watched--but the past 3 seasons have had really likeable bachelors/bachelorettes. There's something about watching other people's relationships that fascinates me. Anyway, back in my real life, we have an actual date for the c-section now--April 16th. We've only got about a month and a half left! This pregnancy has gone by pretty fast. Maybe because I'm busy running around after Melia. Ok, that's all for now.


Goldie said...

Wow! That's so soon. I will keep you in my prayers for everything to go well.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it is amazing how fast other peoples pregnancies go. Any name yet?

Vicky said...

You don't want to know my guilty pleasures. They do involve corn chips and sour cream. I am being careful, though. Congrats on the no gestational diabetes. Hopefully we can come up to see you guys soon.