Friday, October 16, 2009

6 Months Old!

I can't believe we are a half a year into this already! Naiya is such a cute little chunky monkey. Her crazy hair brings us many laughs, especially when Bo makes her kick her legs and sings "We represent the lollipop kids". She absolutely adores Melia and watches her with a smile wherever she goes. Melia can also make her laugh harder than any of us can. I'm glad they have a good relationship so far. Naiya has been having some constipation trouble, so that's made feedings not so fun lately. But we've been looking into some things that will hopefully help. She is sitting up on her own now, but can basically be pushed over by a fly, so she's currently working on her core strength. This week, we bought Melia new sparkly princess shoes that she's in love with--so much so that they snuck their way into Naiya's 6 month birthday pictures. :)


Piper said...

Awesome. She is adorable. And sparkly shoes rule the world. (As far as Maia is concerned!)

Unknown said...

Kira had and still has trouble with constipation. The Dr. Prescribed Miralax, which is available over the counter. Just a little bit everyday helps so much! You can always try prune juice or an actual prune first tho (if she's eatting finger foods yet)
If those don't work, talk to you dr. about Miralax. It has really helped Kira.

Azure said...

I have the cutest nieces!