Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a low key, but fun Easter this year. We spent the entire day on Sunday in our jammies at home. We watched conference, had a little Family Home Evening about Jesus and the resurrection, painted Easter eggs, had a hunt, made Easter bunny smores, and just hung out and enjoyed our little family. :)

Melia "reading" a book to Naiya from their Easter baskets.

Melia met the Easter bunny at the park and was totally enchanted by him.

You can't really see in this picture, but Bo has a green bean in his mouth and is feeding Naiya "birdie style". It was totally cute!

Naiya and Daddy ready for the egg hunt!

The spoils from her conquest.


Piper said...

Sounds like our Easter! I only took pictures of the egg hunt though. Our jammies were a bit rough for documenting in such a fashion and I made the kids get dressed before their egg hunt because Daddy put it in the front yard! :)

Palmyra said...

Oh my gosh Laura, the girls are beyond beautiful, they are gorgeous! I wish we could have been there with you guys again. Last year was a treat for us to have Alex and Melia look for eggs together.