Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Melia!!

Well, we've had a busy weekend! We had 2 1/2 birthday parties for Melia, plus Shane and Ericka came up to visit for the weekend. It was really fun though. Melia was so excited when she found out that her Uncle Shanie and Auntie Ericka would be there for her birthday party! So for the first birthday party, Melia made her intentions clear: She wanted to wear a pretty dress and have a Princess cake and dance. So that's what we did. We invited all of her little friends over and played games and had a good time. There's Melia playing "Pin the crown on the Princess".
Music, dancing and balloon time! We also played Ring Around the Rosies and London Bridge is Falling down.
Bubble time! We all went outside and let them go crazy with the bubbles. The other two girls are Melia's friends from church--Marissa and Angelina. Their birthday is the day before Melia's, so we had a combined party with them.
Princess cake time! When we went shopping for the ice cream, Melia picked the strawberry sundae kind because it was pink. :)
Here are the girls opening their presents. Lots of princess girlie stuff. They loved it!
After this party was over, we went to the park for Marissa and Angelina's family party. We had fun and more cake and they included Melia when we sang. (Thus, the 1/2 party)
On Sunday, we went to Uncle Gary and Aunt Sherri's house for the final party. We had dinner and more cake and ice cream!
Here she is blowing out her candles. 3 years old! How time flies. She didn't get a nap that day because they moved our church meetings to the afternoon which is when she usually takes her nap. But she did remarkably well all day long.
Melia and her friend Karson enjoying the cake. Overall it was a great birthday weekend!
She did have a melt down on the way home, but then again, I kind of felt like having one too after all of that! :)

1 comment:

Palmyra said...

I love the picture of you with Melia! Really, you are looking very good Laura, I'm hoping you feel just the same.