Monday, January 26, 2009

The War of Names is On

Well, I finally sat down and looked at a baby name book. I came up with 5 names I liked and one that I really liked. I thought for sure that Bo would like it too and I even started looking for middle names to go with it. Then Bo came home and I told him my wonderful name and he was less than thrilled. He didn't hate it, he was just like whatever about it. I don't know why that surprised me, but it did. So then he sat down with the book and came up with his list. I had pretty much the same reaction to his names as he had to mine. Hmmm. I didn't expect this because we had such an easy time with Melia's name. We'll see how this turns out in a few months.


JonandLo said...

Girl names are so much easier to come up with than boy names for me. It is hard though to agree on good luck with that. WE miss you guys!!

Piper said...

I agree with Lori about boy names being harder- but we have only had one girl and her name was nice and easy. Perhaps if there had been another female bun in the oven coming up with a girl name would have been just as difficult. Good luck with that!

Oh- and remember- clutch time doesn't really hit until the birth certificate department is has knocked on your door at least four times since the baby was born...

Palmyra said...

hmm, It must be a Thompson thing! Caleb and I agree, and have named three more boys! lol, I don't think we'll have that many but it comes to show you how well we agree with boy's names. As for, nada. He doesn't like the ones I like and I don't...hate the one's he wants but no compromise yet. The good thing is that Mommy's get the last word, remember that...We get to fill in the paperwork ;)