Monday, January 26, 2009

The War of Names is On

Well, I finally sat down and looked at a baby name book. I came up with 5 names I liked and one that I really liked. I thought for sure that Bo would like it too and I even started looking for middle names to go with it. Then Bo came home and I told him my wonderful name and he was less than thrilled. He didn't hate it, he was just like whatever about it. I don't know why that surprised me, but it did. So then he sat down with the book and came up with his list. I had pretty much the same reaction to his names as he had to mine. Hmmm. I didn't expect this because we had such an easy time with Melia's name. We'll see how this turns out in a few months.

It's Monday

I don't think I have a real topic today. I just decided to start writing every Monday, so that way I'll actually do it more than once a month or so. :) Our friends Chris, Vicky and their daughter, Lenore, who's 2 came up to visit us from Napa last weekend. We had a lot of fun playing famous people and dancing like fools to an instructional hip hop video for kids. We spent the week previous to them coming getting together with some of the young couples from church to get to know them better. It was good too, but there's something so comfortable about old friends. You can just totally be free to be yourself, say anything you want, and act as stupid as you want and it's ok. :) They were only able to stay for one night, but are planning another trip soon.
So, I'm throwing my first "real" birthday party for Melia this Saturday and she's excited!! Her last two birthdays she didn't really know what was going on, so this has been fun for me too to be able to talk to her about it. We went shopping together today for decorations--Princess theme, what else? Can I just say that the Dollar Tree is awesome?! We found almost everything we needed there. I had this idea for Bo and I to start writing a letter to our kids each year on their birthdays. I think it will be cool because a lot of times you can express way more in letters. So we'll do that each year until they're 18 or something and then I'll compile them in a book and give it to them. My grandma Evelyn put together a scrapbook of my whole life and gave it to me for my 18th birthday and I appreciate it so much now, especially because she's gone. Anyway, looks like that's it for now.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm No Longer Mommy

Melia never ceases to crack us up. Her latest thing is to call us names from movies she likes. Last week, it was Toy Story--I was "Buzz Lightyear", Daddy was "Woody" and Melia was "Little Lady". She just started calling me Buzz one day and wouldn't respond when I talked to her if I called her Melia. I had to call her Little Lady. She would also correct me if I called Bo "Daddy". "No, not Daddy. Woody!" I think Bo was a little irritated that he had to be Woody instead of Buzz Lightyear. But not to worry, this week it's names from Ice Age and payback for Bo. Daddy is "Diego", the cool Saber tooth Tiger, Melia is "Sid" the sloth, and I have been dubbed "Manny" the Wooly Mammoth. I have been growing in size lately--Could this be related? Anyway, I started off the week as Manny, but today she has switched to just calling me "Ice Age". I don't know if that's better or not. Melia will even correct me when I'm saying a prayer if I say, "Please bless Daddy." She'll interupt and whisper, "No, please bless Diego the tiger." One of the small joys of having kids. :)

It's a Girl! (We think)

I'm now almost 6 months pregnant and I finally had my first official doctor's appointment where they did the ultrasound and stuff. We'll know for sure when they send me to do the 3D ultrasound in a couple of weeks, but from what my doctor could tell, she said it looks like it's a girl. We are excited to have another little girlie! It will be fun for Melia to have a little sister. She was excited to tell Daddy and Grandma Adeline that mommy has a baby girl in her belly button. The only problem is that Bo and I only had a boy name picked out. We have no idea what to name another girl. We'll have to start reading up on names.

New Year's Eve Week (The rest of the Story)

Ok, so we get home from So. Cal. and all of Bo's family has come to stay with us for a week for his cousin, Kyle's, farewell for his mission in Korea and for New Year's Eve. So when I say Bo's family, I mean 23 people are living with us for a week. Now, the good thing is that we all get along really well and they are a lot of fun to be with. It was really good to see everybody and spend time together. That being said, it was pretty chaotic to say the least. The house pretty much looked like it had exploded--stuff and bodies everywhere! Then, everyone started getting sick--either fever, head cold and cough or stomach ache and throwing up. For a couple of days, our house looked like an infirmary with sick people laying all over the couches and floors everywhere.

Luckily, most of us were somewhat well for New Year's Eve and we had a dance party right here in our living room. Anyway, by the time everyone went home, Bo, Melia, Grandma and I were pretty wiped out for days afterwards. I think we've somewhat recovered now. :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Our Holly, Jolly Christmas

Things have been a kind of crazy lately. It all started on Christmas Eve morning as we were all packed and ready to go to the airport to fly down to So. Cal. for Christmas to see our families. That is when we realized that our plane tickets were actually for dates that had already passed. Great. After spending an hour on the phone with the airline, we came to the realization that we weren't going to be flying down for Christmas. So, not wanting to miss out on seeing everyone for Christmas, we jumped in our car and made the 9 hour drive down. Melia actually did really well, which we were grateful for, but by the time we got there, I was sick, sick, sick. I had a fever and head cold.
I spent most of Christmas Day knocked out at Bo's family's house. Melia had lots of fun dancing in her "beautiful dress" with Grandma Carol and everybody else. Everyone seemed to enjoy Christmas together from what I could tell as I drifted in and out of consciousness. :)

By the evening, I dragged myself up so we could go to my family's house for more Christmas. I pretty much just propped myself up on a couch as decoration for most of the night. Despite feeling crappy, it was really good to see everyone in our families again. We spent the next day at my mom's house and then made the drive back up to Paradise the next day. Bo's family was driving up in a motor home to stay at our house for a week (which I'll explain in my next blog--I don't want to get too lengthy here), so we caravaned with them and, although it took 12 hours, it was nice because I got to lay down for part of the time. The bad thing was that by the time we got home, Bo and Melia both had gotten what I had and were really sick. Plus, Bo's brother, Micah's baby, Wyatt, had been throwing up for most of the trip. When we got home, we were met by 23 of Bo's family members that were all going to be staying with us for a week. To be continued....