Monday, January 26, 2009

It's Monday

I don't think I have a real topic today. I just decided to start writing every Monday, so that way I'll actually do it more than once a month or so. :) Our friends Chris, Vicky and their daughter, Lenore, who's 2 came up to visit us from Napa last weekend. We had a lot of fun playing famous people and dancing like fools to an instructional hip hop video for kids. We spent the week previous to them coming getting together with some of the young couples from church to get to know them better. It was good too, but there's something so comfortable about old friends. You can just totally be free to be yourself, say anything you want, and act as stupid as you want and it's ok. :) They were only able to stay for one night, but are planning another trip soon.
So, I'm throwing my first "real" birthday party for Melia this Saturday and she's excited!! Her last two birthdays she didn't really know what was going on, so this has been fun for me too to be able to talk to her about it. We went shopping together today for decorations--Princess theme, what else? Can I just say that the Dollar Tree is awesome?! We found almost everything we needed there. I had this idea for Bo and I to start writing a letter to our kids each year on their birthdays. I think it will be cool because a lot of times you can express way more in letters. So we'll do that each year until they're 18 or something and then I'll compile them in a book and give it to them. My grandma Evelyn put together a scrapbook of my whole life and gave it to me for my 18th birthday and I appreciate it so much now, especially because she's gone. Anyway, looks like that's it for now.


Palmyra said...

I hear ya about the old friends, though I felt as if I knew Chris and Vick for years when I first met them. They just make you feel very comfortable and at ease.
What a cute and great idea to do that for Malia. I bet she would treasure it!

Palmyra said...

Sorry I know its Melia, but I first knew the name as Malia, Gotta kick the old habit!