Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm No Longer Mommy

Melia never ceases to crack us up. Her latest thing is to call us names from movies she likes. Last week, it was Toy Story--I was "Buzz Lightyear", Daddy was "Woody" and Melia was "Little Lady". She just started calling me Buzz one day and wouldn't respond when I talked to her if I called her Melia. I had to call her Little Lady. She would also correct me if I called Bo "Daddy". "No, not Daddy. Woody!" I think Bo was a little irritated that he had to be Woody instead of Buzz Lightyear. But not to worry, this week it's names from Ice Age and payback for Bo. Daddy is "Diego", the cool Saber tooth Tiger, Melia is "Sid" the sloth, and I have been dubbed "Manny" the Wooly Mammoth. I have been growing in size lately--Could this be related? Anyway, I started off the week as Manny, but today she has switched to just calling me "Ice Age". I don't know if that's better or not. Melia will even correct me when I'm saying a prayer if I say, "Please bless Daddy." She'll interupt and whisper, "No, please bless Diego the tiger." One of the small joys of having kids. :)

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