Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year's Eve Week (The rest of the Story)

Ok, so we get home from So. Cal. and all of Bo's family has come to stay with us for a week for his cousin, Kyle's, farewell for his mission in Korea and for New Year's Eve. So when I say Bo's family, I mean 23 people are living with us for a week. Now, the good thing is that we all get along really well and they are a lot of fun to be with. It was really good to see everybody and spend time together. That being said, it was pretty chaotic to say the least. The house pretty much looked like it had exploded--stuff and bodies everywhere! Then, everyone started getting sick--either fever, head cold and cough or stomach ache and throwing up. For a couple of days, our house looked like an infirmary with sick people laying all over the couches and floors everywhere.

Luckily, most of us were somewhat well for New Year's Eve and we had a dance party right here in our living room. Anyway, by the time everyone went home, Bo, Melia, Grandma and I were pretty wiped out for days afterwards. I think we've somewhat recovered now. :)


Piper said...

At least now we get a glimpse of where Bo gets his many talents in the performing arts... looks like a blast!

Vicky said...

We didn't know that you guys were hosting this years Chabad Telethon. I've got a krik in my patukish. oi-vey!